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Date: May 28th 1915

On the way to Montreal
Friday 28

May 28 1915

Dear Ma,-

We are stopped now at cobourg to get some coffee. The fellows are passing it around in pails and those who want some put in their mess tins and drink. I don't care for any thanks - too much trouble to get my tin out. We have had some sandwiches. The train has started again, I'll have to wait till it stops.

We are at Kingston now. I saw Reg. in Toronto for about 15 or 20 minutes. Cousin Mamie didn't know I was coming thro. I'll have to write her. I sent Reg. a wire last night. He is looking fine. He was up at 5 o'clock this A.m. studying. His exams start on the 14th of next month. When leaving Toronto this train backed up and then came ahead again not stopping but I saw Reg. and waved my hand to him.

This train travels very fast only stopping once in a while. We will be in Montreal about 8 o'clock. In my lettergram to Pa I told him to be at the wharf because the train might take us down there and not to the station. We'll likely have a few hrs. to see friends and I'll phone Pa at the hotel if he is not at the station or whereever this train unloads.

I got your letter yesterday. Reg. had the parcel for me. I haven't opened the parcel yet because there isn't room in my kit bag for it. I'll carry it on board and then open.
I don't see Gerald Jones on the platform. I suppose he is still going to school here. I'm sorry in one way I won't see you before sailing but in another it is better as it is.

You'll send Miss French's address. I'll try and get to see Mrs. Reid as soon after we land as possible.

I don't think I'll have time to get the medicine. I'll tell you home sick I was on the boat.

Buzz Hamilton has got all mail from his mother except the socks. I am pretty sure I have all yours.

I'll wear the heavy underwear on the boat and no doubt I'll be glad to have it. Be sure and send me th snaps of you all. I'll send you some more when I get to England. I have four films for the Camera and will take them going over. I'll send some with this letter that we took on our marches. I'll expect a letter at Reid's.

We are certainly going over a short time but will be 2 or 3 months in England. They wont take us to the front till we're ready and our in best shape.

We are husky now and hard drilling can't do us any harm only good. I'll get an egg and try that remedy of yours.

It is very good of Mrs. Hunter to knit me the socks. I have kept the other pair she gave me. Have worn the army socks but they are not as easy on your feet as home knit, so the fellows say.

I hope Lilly's foot is better now. She'll by worrying about her exams. I had letter from her I must answer it.

We will have a new uniform in England and I'll get a photo or take snaps.

I'll close now and if I get a chance in Montreal will write some more.

I can't help but think how you are worrying. I'll write often. Italy is fighting now and Germany can't last very much longer. The canadians have made a great name for themselves and we must do our best to reatain it if we are needed at the front. Much love to all.

Your loving son

P.S. I'll write on the back of the snaps.

Original Scans

Original Scans
