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Date: April 17th 1919
John Hudgins

Rixensart Belgium

17th Apr.  1919


Dear Ollie:


Yours received yesterday, first in a dog’s age.  But I reckon it takes some time for mail to travel when it has to go thro’ the Reserve.  Was sorry to hear about Chasis.  The poor do not know any better and as you say they have sure worked hard on their place to improve it but it’s rather hard lines to lose it all on a worthless cuss like C.  McD but suppose it’s their own fault.  Well Ollie I got that map location of Herb’s grave but am awfully afraid it’s a hoax for it’s all Greek to me and if I do say it myself am pretty fair at such things.  However, I know that Villes Brittoneux is just behind the line where he was killed and if I could only get down there could find it all right.  But there is the hitch I cannot even get back to see Major’s grave, not that I could do any good but just the same I would like to see it.  Am doing all I can to get a picture but it’s some different for a stranger to find a map location than it would be for one of us old chaps who know every inch of the ground there but will do my best.  I told you in my last letter about my trip to Passchendaile.  Well we got the maps O.K. and am sending them along in this epistle.  So you like the looks of that little Scotch lassie do you?  Well so do i.  As to that if I had of thought you wouldn’t I sure would not have sent it.  But I reckoned you had some sense left.  I also knew some people would be shocked  (poor things) but never the less she is a nice kid even if she does show her knees.  By the way had a letter from her & her chum last night.  (the one who gave me the snow drops for you) with an invitation to be sure and come up on leave and I am sure going you bet.  Well Ollie we are having some bad weather lately. Cold and rainy.  But still can’t complain we are not doing much only enough for exercise.  We planned to move from here on the 21st but cannot say it maybe another week yet.  But think we will be moving by the 10th of May & home by the last of June.  Hope you get your trip before I leave here (Eng. I mean).  I think you stand a pretty good chance of winning out so keep on the job.  And don’t be a d_ _ _ n fool you might as well have $25 or even $50 off me as not for I sure like a gamble.  Besides money is no good to this child it burns holes in my pockets and I don’t like to mind them.  I must quit for have a devil of a sore hand.  Knocked the top of my thumb around then “pigeoned” and can hardly hold a pen for bandages, besides it’s sore and a good excuse for not writing more.  Am afraid I won’t get to Germany, but still am not so fussy about it.  What I want now in N.S. for a change.  Tell Frank I will answer his letter sometime this week if my hand don’t get any worse.  Must close for this time.

 Love to all


Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.04.17 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.04.17 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.04.17 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.04.17 Envelope. Hudgins, John. 1919.04.17