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Date: February 28th 1951
Isabella McKenzie - (mother)
Edward McKenzie

Feb 28/51

Dear Mom:

Still going strong and full to the brim again. We miss a few meals and then we catch up with the rations or rather they catch up with us and so we stuff ourselves like a bunch of pigs. We had breakfast at 5:30 this morning, then lunch around 2:00. I had chicken and vegetables, (no. 1 stuff as the gooks say) with crackers and jam and cookies followed with sliced peaches. Then I just finished another hot meal they brought up.

We're in our slit trench, it's a dandy, roof and all and nothing doing. We should be going back for a rest pretty soon, our beards are getting a bit long; we look like a prize bunch of hoboes on the bum. An English battalion passed us the other day just back from a rest all nicely shaven and shampooed, it was quite a contrast. Were with a Commonwealth Div. Aussies, Newzies, English and the Canucks. Quite a bunch. We have a lot of air support here and they do most of the work, we just walk up and sit on the hills.

I received a letter from Shirley Taylor the other day and she's in chicago now. She got fed up with Vancouver. She saw Lewis and Lil in Toronto and says they are just as happy as ever, or as she put it as nutty as ever.

Hope everything is going okay. One thing I'm saving money, over $300 in the pay book.


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