Trench Commandments.
1. When on guard thou shalt challenge all parties approaching thee
2. Thou shalt not send any engravings nor any likeness of any airship in heaven above nor any submarine in the sea: For if the censor am a jealous censor, visiting the inquities of the offenders with three months C.B. but allowing mercy unto thousands by letting their letters go first, who obey my commandments.
3. Thou shalt not use profane language unless under extraordinary circumstances such as seeing thy mat shot or getting petrol in thy tea.
4. Remember the soldiers weeks consists of seven days, six days shalt thou labour and on the seventh thou shalt do odd jobs.
5. Honour thy King and country, keep thy rifle well oiled and shoot straight that thy days may be long in the land the enemy giveth thee.
6. Thou shalt not steal thy comerade's kit.
7. Thou shalt not kill time.
8. Thou shalt not adulterate the mess tin by using it as a shaving mug.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy comrade's, but preserve silence on their outgoings and incomings.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy corporal's post not the Sergt/Major's but by thy duty and perseverence thou shalt rise to the position of Field Marshal.