Mount Newton Cross Rd.
Saanichton, B. C., V.I.,
September 2, 1942
To Whom It May Concern:
C. Wilbert Drader served in the ranks of the 49th C.E.F. and was recommended for a commission on account of consistent and steady front line service. He received his commission July 1st, 1917. As an officer he was cool under all conditions and quickly gained the confidence of the men under him. He acted as Platoon and Company Commander—also Musketry, Bombing and Education Officer.
In 1918 he was attached to the Canadian Corps. School and as Company Commander there brought his company to first place for efficiency in all branches.
As I recommended him originally for a commission, I have no hesitation in doing so again, and I feel confident that he will prove himself a steady and reliable officer and well liked by his men from whom he will get every cooperation.
Yours truly,
(Signed) R. H. Palmer, Lt. Col.,
Late 49th Bn. C.E.F.