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Date: March 11th 1917
Smith, Arthur Calvin

Sunday March 11/17

On Active Service, France

Dear Sister Ona, -

Received your letter of Feb. 6th and was glad to hear from you. Also got a letter from Mother and Aunt Maggie London and one from Aunt Nellie, this is the first mail I got since coming to France.

Your letter found me well and feeling fine. I have not received Ethel's parcel yet, but I expect to get it any day now. She says it is Home Made candy. I sent Ethel two of my Photo I got taken in England so you don't have to give her one of the old ones.

I see by your letter that the weather in Canada is not very warm when you wrote your letter. You ask me what I would like, well any thing in the eating line, but it costs too much I think so if you want to send me any thing send me money instead. But if you send money be sure and Regerister the letter and put it in Canadian Bills, not money orders as they are no good in France. We get paid 20 cents a Day in France, and it don't go far over here. But a parcel of eating stuff will go good.
I hope Margaret Louise gets better soon as it will be summer by the time you get this. I am well and getting along fine over here. I wrote two letters to you since being in France been over here for about three weeks but have not been to the Trenches yet, but I expect to be there soon.

Glad to hear that all are well at Dunnville & Port Maitland I see Levi have to do a little house work. The weather over here is quite warm and a little muddy.

I am billeted in a barn over here and it is quite comfortable at present.

Best Wishes

Write Soon

From Your Brother Arthur

This is my address now.

No 739465 Pte. A.C. Smith

19th Battalion, Canadians.

B.E.F. France.

P.S. Aunt Nellie says she is sending me a parcel.
