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Date: November 26th 1917
Evlyn F. Farris

2045 Whyte Avenue,
Vancouver, B. C.
November, 26, 1917.

Dear Mrs. Leighton,

Knowing how fond you are of type writers I hasten to pour out my soul to you on one. I am hon estly of theopinion tha you will find much less difficulty in reading this than you would have had with my writing.

I cannot remember when I wrote you but I think it was in the spring. I told you how sick wehad been all winter andthen in the summer the children had mumps and I wasreally very ill.

In October Wallace andI went east. We made a flying trip only being gone four weeks. We were at Ottawa the week the government (Union) was formed andit was most exciting. I do not know what you and Mr. Leighton will think of it. We often wish we could see you and hear you talk. We then went on to N. B. a nd I sent three days in No va Scotia, staying three days at Toronto on my way home.

I enjoyed the trip and the children were all right when I wasaway.

My brother is in France flying. He has brought down seven German aeroplanes. My sister is working at munitions in Toronto, most delicate anddangerous work. I think she is a brick. When one considersshe had never done anythingit is wonderful.

I suppose you know that Wallace has been Attorney- General since May. It is nice only heis away from home so much. He is just home week-ends. I think I willgoover for the session but we are not anxious to moveover there as the children are doing so well at school andwe hate to change them. You would not know baby now, he has his curls cut andwears Norfolk suits. He goes to school andis learni ng fast.

Katherine is doing well at school andwth her music and Donald and Ralph are thesame size and havegreat fun together. I hope Captain Leighton is flourishing and that he will soon be a general! Iwish you wouldsend me his address in France for the children want to write him. Our gardener that we thought so much of was killed in June, he wasonly eight days in the actual fighting. We felt dreadfully, he was so nice.

Wallacewould send his love if he were here andall good wishe s for the New. Year not to mention a Merry Christmas if there can be such a thing with so much sorrow in the world.

Yours lovingly

Evlyn F. Farris

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