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Date: August 17th 1916



My Dear Mother,

Last evening I had dinner down town with Alfred. I was much shocked when he said that his Sunday letter had been delayed. It will probably arrive about the same time as this one but was written much earlier.

Alfred by the way is looking much better. He is quite tanned and is filling out well. He looked rather fagged out when he landed, but the exercise in the open is telling on him. I am a little worried about his eating arrangements. Last evening for example he said he had eaten his supper, and yet when we got down town he was able to tuck in a real good meal. So I made him promise that he would have one good meal out every day.

I saw him again today. We have it arranged now so that he comes over to see me at the office every day at noon. It just takes him five minutes to get over and then he has about 10 minutes to talk. He tells me his various troubles & I do what I can for him. He is very independent about money matters and will not take any from me, however he knows where he can get it if he needs it. They have a bathing parade twice a week and I told him that while the weather was so hot he should try to bathe every other day, at least. One day last week he went down and had a Turkish bath.

Today I saw Haddo Meikle. He is looking pretty good after his 6 day leave to Scotland. He reports a good time and says it is a good place to go.

Last weekend I was down to Margate. It is a sea side resort on the North East coast of Kent. It is really very nice but this year it is popular with the Germans as a dropping place for bombs. As a result the English people have not attended as largely as usual. However, last weekend was ideal weather and a good crowd was there. Some friends of mine from London are summering down there and kindly invited me down. I had a very pleasant time indeed and met a number of very nice people. No Zeppelin raids were pulled off while I was there.

Several letters have arrived during the past week for Alf & myself from you all. Em's letters from Muskoka I suppose are the extras. I think Alf is rather expecting a letter from some place but it hasn't arrived yet. At least one arrived some time ago which had been opened by Gibson by mistake. I guess he has given you his address before this.

I expect I shall be getting a few days leave soon. If I do I don't know what I shall do but I will get away someplace out in the country and take it easy. I may get it this month or beginning of next. I don't feel the need of it but may as well take my time when it comes around.

I have felt much better since I started my regular riding lessons. Every day I ride from 2-3 with the riding class under the riding instructor. Then some days he takes me out into the country for an hour by our selves. I thought I knew a little about riding but I see now that I do not. However, I am getting along, and the exercise is fine.

How are you and Father putting in the summer? Hope you get off some place for a holiday. Do you remember the nice trip we had about two years ago now? I wish you both would repeat it. I am so glad Emily is having such a good time in Muskoka. She will feel like school again when she comes back. She will be home by [the] time this arrives.

It is my bedtime now so I must close. Kind regards to Miss Smith and heaps of love for Father, Em & self.

Loving son
