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Date: May 1st 1918

[transcription and transcription annotations have been provided by the collection donor]

May 1st 1918

My dear Leila,

I've been down at the horse lines for 2 weeks and am going up to the guns today, so I' m stealing a moment of the army's time. I was very glad to get letters from Papa, Mamma and a note from Ina of the 17th of March, a few days ago. The same day, I received letters from Beryl, Norman and Carl. Thank Beryl for hers, and will write her in a few days.

I have thoroughly enjoyed myself this trip at the lines. The drivers are all good sports, and the Sgt. Major has been up at the guns and our Sgt., being the senior Sgt., acting in his place, down here….consequently, there wasn't much work done. With the word 'soldier' you must always associate the word 'lazy', you know.

We have been able to have some porridge at nights this week, as I received a box of lump sugar from Carl. Also received 2 pairs of socks from some lady in Compton Que., who is a friend of Ella's and Murrill's. The Ladies Auxiliary of Winnipeg, sent us a pair of socks, each, so I have lots of them. I had May & Co., London, (Norman's firm) send me 2 suits of Cellular [?] combination underwear; just the stuff for summer.

I had a lovely bath and change, this week; the first one for over 2 months. They only allow us 4 minutes under the water, about 5 men to a row and believe me, you have to work some, to get 2 months worth of dirt off or you're left, as I was once, covered with soap.

Am sending Mamma 3 newspaper clippings. I suppose you will understand why I'm sending one about the Canadians. I am sending the grenade [?] which was on the collar of my tunic at the time of the blow up. It's just as I found it among the ruins. The tunic was all burnt up.

What do you think of the war, today? No Bon, is it? Are you glad the States are with us?

Have they sent the picture of the Godalming Kid back yet? I lost 6 pictures of her in the fire.

My height is: 6 ft. 4 inches and I weighed 175 lbs. when I left England, and don't think I have lost any.

Did Mamma receive "The Listen Post"? and "O'Pips"?

Well, the boys are keeping too much noise around me, so must quit. Lots of Love for Jack and self and write soon to your affectionate brother,
