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Date: February 16th 1917
Don (Jack)

Somewhere in France
Friday Feb. 16th/17

My Dear Sister:
Well I am in France at last. I like it a whole lot better here than in England. Spring had started to open up now. the sun shines here nearly every day which makes the air warm. We are sleeping in tents over here, but they are not cold as there are enough in each to keep good and warm. We are training hard here, and we learn as much here in one day as we would learn in a week in England. It is pretty muddy here as the ground is thawing out. We have good instructors here too. They are just out of the trenches so they can give us the real dope. We were through a gas attack today, and it turned our buttons and brass so black that there is no more shining for them. I am glad to know that you are enjoying life generally. I only wish I were there with you too, and expect I will be too about next winter, as we ate going to strafe the germans pretty hard this, and I expect they will have had enough by fall and they will be quite willing to come to Britain's terms. I hope you received my photos & the box of badges I sent you when I was coming away from Eng. & they are the ones I wore on my tunic while in the old battalion. I hope you will forgive me for being so thoughtless of you all at home while I was out west, but I will try to keep in touch with you in the future. I hope you will not be anxious about me if you do not hear from me regularly as the mail is very uncertain from here. I expect we will be going on up the line soon then we'll get a chance to get back at old Fritzy. I can not tell you anything about our location or much of our doings as it might benefit the enemy so I will ring off for now. Give my love to Aunt Birdie , Uncle Mat & Aunt Franc and the rest of our relations. Write often and do what you like with the badges. above all don't worry about me as I will be coming back safe and sound to you after this scrap is over. Well so long for now. I remain as ever
XXXXXXXXXX Your loving brother
I will be able to deliver these personally some day soon I hope Don

pte J.M. Brown
No 886089
28th Battalion Canadians

P.S. Those girl friends of yours made an awful mistake who though me good looking didn't they. Those two I sent you are like me

Original Scans

Original Scans
