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Date: May 6th 1917
Roy Gullen
Fred Gullen - (brother)
Read by:

Kristen den Hartog

Reader Bio
Kristen den Hartog is an award-winning Canadian novelist and non-fiction writer. Her work explores the intimate histories of ordinary individuals and families in times of war.

[Editor’s note: Roy Gullen, initially reported as missing, was killed May 3, 1917. The letter below was mailed but subsequently returned to sender as undeliverable.]


473. Indian Rd
Sunday May 6th 1917

Pte W,R, Gullen
1st Battn
1st Divn

Dear Roy:–

We received your trench card written March 31st 1917 but have no word from you since. Have been looking for word from you every day. Hope you are alive and well. Not wounded and not a prisoner.

Agnes and I got moved into our new home last Monday and although we haven’t got entirely straightened around yet we are enjoying it very much. Wish you could drop in tonight and see us. I wonder where you are and what you are doing every night I wonder if you are fighting in those terrible battles that are taking place. Everything is alright at this end of the line and will be and we all hope you will be safe and sound over there and get back to us all as soon as you possibly can and to your wife and seven children, wish they would send you home on furlough for your children’s sake.

On the 22nd May our lodge is going to visit another lodge and I have to respond to the toasts to our lodge, so must get up some thing very good for the occasion.

I have neglected writing to you for the last week or two, but will try and keep it up regularly now. We sold our house very well, didn’t make anything but we will get our mn out of it – when our mortgage is paid off. Uncle and aunt are very well was up there to lunch last Wednesday. Well Roy must close now I wish you best luck in you health, happiness and safety.

Lovingly your Bro.
Fred –

Pte. W.R. Gullen
1st Batttn

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