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Date: April 21st 1917
Marguerite, Stanley & Donald Gullen - (children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of three letters.]


April 21-17

Dear Marguerite

I am very short of paper will have some from Aunt Agnes in a few days Your dandy letter was fine to read about the doings and actions of Ivan and Ruth and boys also the things around the house Jack seems to get Grandpa fix his shoes a few times this winter the pictures of the little folks will be great to look at I have been able to keep our photo so far almost lost it different times this is some battle front here hundreds of tents and lines of mules and motor buses and lots of wet underfoot We had a big snow the other morning Joe and I had to carry a wounded man about a mile in it but it was gone by night, wish I could have had a letter from home to night Mothers and yours get here all in a bunch, Mother’s cakes are great Grandma has been late sending a box hope I get some of them in a day or two will write a field card and let you know if I do

Your dad

[letter two, same page as above:]

Dear Stan

I will say goodday for this time, Your last letter was great You told me lots of news which dad likes to get well lots of love and kisses


[letter three:]

Apr 21/17

Dear Don

Will write you three oldest kiddies a line each, will be living in a tent for a few days we will be driving the huns again next week Irene told me about you all doing well at school You can not do better than be good at school and at home I suppose Irene is a young lady in long dresses now they say you were out your shoes sometimes they will do that with out half trying, when we are together again we will make our shoes go some around home if we could put that thirty acres in with crop and pasture would keep us going fine, my it seems ages since we were picking berries last summer hope we can pick some again this summer if it is a hot summer could grow some melons and citrons and make some syrup and jam for market, hope Grandpa has some seed potatoes, well hope you are all well over the colds again bye bye with love

Your dad
W Roy Gullen

PS Will try and be home again to pull your hear etc etc

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