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Date: March 26th 1917
Mary, Marguerite & Donald Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of three letters.]


Sunday Mar. 26 1917

Dear Mary

Just a line before the speaker starts before I came in had lots to write but now I don’t know what but it will not be long before I will be home throughing you around again I have not seen any person I would like to go around with here hope you are all well by now sorry the winter was bad will put a valentine of M’s and Don’s in just to show I have all the ones they put in for me and one from Freds well dear bye bye

Yours, old man
W Roy Gullen

PS Have read one book my but it would have been great to have read books to you all winter I got some of the back letters when I came back from the YM Mr Best did not speak, Joe was the one who said he was, the communion was taken by a lot of us it is raining this morning will have roll call in side it is very dark in this morning Nells letter was in the one and M’s doing great letter writing Your Aunt’s big Birthday is great to read 100 is some Birthday

[second letter:]

Mar 26/17

Dear M:

Will write you a few lines it is Sunday night Mr Best of Brantford may speak in this Y.M. tonight it has been a milder day to day may have good weather for a few days glad you are getting to be quite an old fashioned little women writing big letters to dad, you folks do not get half the scribbles I write to you some way or another I write 3 or 4 a week altogether it is the next best thing to phone – I have put a card in one of the letters for you and one for Ruth, Well

bye bye
Yours, dad
W Roy Gullen

[third letter:]

Mar 26/17

Dear Don

Glad to get your dandy letter it had lots of good things to know about home in it you are a fine boy to help Mother with thoes things you told me about it will be great to be with you again and work together build rabbit pens chicken and keep goats have 3 or 4 horses and cows and some pidgeons will work that 30 acres some way to have a good time I will put a piece of white stone in this for you from the trenches

bye bye with love
Yours, dad
W Roy Gullen

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