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Date: March 3rd 1917
Marguerite & Stanley Gullen - (children)
Roy Gullen

[Editor’s note: Set of two letters.]


To Marguerite Gullen
from Pte WR Gullen
1st Batt March 3rd 1917

Dear Marguerite

Some of the letters you and Don wrote in Oct came last night with the peice of your dress and Stanley and your drawings of the two girls they are well done. Dons letter I think was the first he wrote and it was a good one, that maple leave looks great from the land of dandy hills and valleys and Stately Maple trees Mothers letter telling the contents of the first box came also if Grandma has any cooking to keep from spoiling she knows were to put it the boxes have not arrived yet you talk about one with a comb in and one before that one neither have come you should see our little pieces for three times a day wish our folks had thought more about that, if Mother sends any adress it her self then I will know who it is from they get knocked about so much you can not see where they come from and I did not think any one would send white sox unless it would be Agnes’s they do not stay white long out here, she said she was knitting things and they were so large like a new beginers, We will be out in a day or so for few days the boxes will come in a good time we have no chance of making cocoa while in, some of the fellows in Willies Batt paid fritz a visit and no one around [end of second page]

[second letter:]

March 3rd 1917

Dear Stan

Your writing is the best I ever saw for a boy of your age, you have worked very fast since you went to school, it is bad you had sutch cold weather for sleighing, and you and Don making snow huts, hope it will help make lots of berries again this summer tell Mother to try and get some put down I did not get any for her somehow last summer I should [one?] more thought full (when I am not) if we can get lots peaches this year will put lots down tell Don his candle will be just fine candle makers must be selling lots now and thoes cakes will go down O.K also when they come main thing is getting them started and over here, Ruth must be some girl now visiting Grandma’s does she talk much, this picture is getting wore out but it is great to look at, that Bruce sits there large as life and Mother and Ruth look dandy oh it’s a great bunch,

Your dad

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