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Date: February 4th 1917
Agnes Gullen - (sister-in-law)
Roy Gullen

Feb 4/17

Dear Agnes

I will try and write a line from our crowded sandy dug out have been out four days will be in for six again in two, glad you are doing so well and I am on dry land it is good hard weather here had our wet time while out this place is all ruins been good town someday not a house left, was a great time in, to our right could see great colored sky lights and we had to put fingers in our [hears,?] about fourty hurt we got fiften francs to day but can not get any candles or eats yet may to night [crossed out: “Marys box”] got here in a good time have some of her cake yet her first box did come must have gone down in that boat the parcel from the church came alright and your [crossed out: “one”] two one dandy ones and your fine card after we come out may have a number of days out will be a big march likely will be about my birthday my light is some oil and rag but does very well Mary put in a box of throat tablets but I am not needing them now you would laugh to see me in, with my feet covered with soxs boots and sand bags, kept fine some got very cold I do not know when this will get posted but will soon Mary is a little giant Angel writes lots of letters also M is doing great at writing and at school will close hoping to see you all again your old brother


[added at top of first page, date/author unknown: 15”; “Rec’d Mar. 8/17”]


[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Some of the dots used as code markers are easily identified, others are more difficult to interpret. Characters that appear to have been clearly marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been indicated in the transcription with an underline. Written together (with spaces inserted) they spell “arras oaid little river” (possibly indicating on the Scarpe River, Arras, France?).
Please note that it appears that throughout the letter various words, characters, dots, and underlines were darkened and/or added in a black ink similar to that which was used when someone (presumably Fred or Agnes Gullen) added the “Rec’d,” etc., information at the top of the first page. Underlining done in this darker ink has not been transcribed, and crossed out words have been included but identified as such.]

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