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Date: September 1st 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife & children)
Roy Gullen

Sept 1/16

Dear wife and kiddies

We have been having inspections this afternoon have time to write Fred and Geo and you had a route march this morning going to have a foot inspection now whis I could get turned down and go back home but Ill be home in the sweet bye and bye we may be for a longe time maybe 4 or 5 months if we go to go over to soon I am going to do some jumping but things may be alright I do not feel like fighting for such people as I see in this country we could not be under any worse people, and two years or so we could go to U.S.A. Anyway what do you say, we may be in this Camp all winter I hope so, I could run a milk buisness in Some of these Large cities untill the War was over, I am feeling good to day had appercotes for supper last night and fish to day so we do get some good but rice was burnt and appercotes sour no sugar in anything it rained this morning but it does not last long then nice sunny time we do not get any money untill next Thursday 10S. the rest is put on a book which we carry I got a card from Geo. to day it is nice to get something every other day or so I know stamps but it is worth it dear how are you anyway honey fair fat and forty, write another dandy letter like this one next time and about my girls and boys may you get along as easy as it is possible

Your old

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