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Date: August 30th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen
Read by:

Kristen den Hartog

Reader Bio
Kristen den Hartog is an award-winning Canadian novelist and non-fiction writer. Her work explores the intimate histories of ordinary individuals and families in times of war.

Aug. 30 1916

Reply to No. 772521
Company B Co
Battalion 125
3 Brigade

My Dear dear Mary.

I just got back to Camp got this beautiful picture and great letter have had a big cry over them do not have to drill this afternoon will sit and look all day at my great and lovely family Oh but it is good to see them and to read your letter have been longing for it so much, hope you have had some of my letters befor now I went in the orderly room for this and the fellow named fish said why did you join up well I do hope it will turn out all right my deares of Dears well I may be in the way here the people are going to use the room for sewing so good bye bye my dear love ones

Your poor old man

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