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Date: August 15th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen


My Dear Mary

I have been sick for a long time but am getting over it good we were in the harbor for 3 days this makes 9 days we have been on this smelling boat one the soldiers boats is no good for the [?] so we have to go slow we only had 1 escort but will soon come into the danger place will get some destroyers in a few hours to take us into England we have about 9 hundred miles yet have had good weather but the boat rocks they did not get to me with the [?] on the train or I would have been better off we will land in England Sat hope you will all write often as you can my dearies I wrote Fred and Geo. I will be glad when I get the picture of you all we are not getting but 80¢ out of the canteen funds something funny, we get war news fresh everday on board hope it will be all over by spring my dear wife may your life be as happy as the Lord can make it try not to hurt yourself in any way will send some cards to you all in England


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