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Date: June 26th 1945
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

June 26/45

Dear Marg and Marie,–

Hello girls, well here it is at last, summer. I imagine it would be swell at home right now.

I have been receiving your mail O.K. lately and also the writing paper you sent Marie. My cigarettes are at last beginning to catch up with me, I have received 900 hundred in the last week.

I hope by this time you have received my other letter with the explanations in it why I didn’t write etc. If you don’t understand it all I will be glad to explain it further for you, if you say so.

I doubt very much girls if I will be home with the Burma crowd because when I signed up they already had their quota. The officer seems to think I won’t be going with them. If that happens Morgan and I are going to get our subjects and learn Deisel Engeneering.

We have found out officially, the score on getting home. 50 points and less will go to occupational army. 50 to 140 points will be going home with the battalion 140 points or more will be going home on individual drafts before we go. They have been sending 1500 troops out of this country daily, so at that rate it shouldn’t be long until I am in good old Midland. The regiments will be going home according to the rotation in which they came over seas when the war began. I’ll be going home with the regiment of course, I have approximately 96 points up until March 31st.

We are staying in rather good quarters right now. We are living with civilians only 2 soldiers to a house. The house that we are in used to be a colaboraters house and when they were taken away the whole house was left furnished completely, so we just walked in and took over. I have rather a nice room with bath attached all to myself. I also have a radio at my bedside, battery of course because there is no electricity here yet. The radio is a German receiving set I picked up at this refuge camp.

Well girls I hope this letter finds you both feeling fine, as for myself, still in good old A1 condition. I’ll write you again soon “so long” for now.

Your loving brother

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