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Date: January 8th 1918



Jan 8/18

Dear Kid:

And still they come. I thought that I had received so many letters in the last few days that I would not get any more for a month but four more drifted in to-night. Dad & you, two each. Your's were numbers 34 & 38 so I must have been wrong when I said that I had received all up to 39. Two of to-days letters were written about Nov 20, & the other two about Dec 10 so you see how regular the mails are.

I think you will do well to number the parcels you send me as you suggest for there have been so many lately that I got them slightly mixed. Metcalf started numbering them before Christmas and I have received all he has forwarded ten so far.

You were inquiring about Doug Wright. He looked quite well when I last saw him but said that his insides were all in the wrong places. I believe he went to 56 or 66 squadron. If it was 66 he is in Italy now.

You say that the old maid in the [?] who was so interested in me phoned & asked for my address. I certainly am glad she got it for the parcel I got was certainly a dandy. This pad is part of it.

Will look up little Maxie when I get to England and see that he is behaving himself. I don't think you need worry however.

You ask if there is anything I want. I think I am pretty well fixed but want a new uniform and a new pair of boots that wont be covered with oil & petrol. I will get them both in London next month. The underwear comes in very good but you mustn't buy any more of that as I know it costs too much. I really can't think of anything you can find me.
I am writing this in my room in my shirt sleeves with my feet on the stove. It snowed to beat the deuce here last night and has been quite cold all day. Seems more like Canadian weather. Did nothing to-day except walk into [?] (about four miles) and back with Fairclough and had tea in town and bought some collars. Not a fellow from Borden while there.

Love to all


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