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Date: January 17th 1943

No 149

Major GS Andrews, RCE

Survey, HQ First Cdn Army O/S

17 Jan 43

Dear Jean:

This has been a fine day for January, dry and barcing, but warm enough to go for a bright walk without a topcoat. The sun breaking through quite a bit, and a lovely sunset. Last night they had a dance at the officers mess at the Svy Coy, Harold [?], Col Meuser Ecila and I went from here, Mrs Meuser was to go but was kept home by a brief kind of flu. First party Ecila has been to since she had trouble with her feet after her accident on her motor bike last summer. She enjoyed the outing. We got home at a fairly respectable hour, so there was not hang-over effects this morning. I went back up to Morris's for tea this pm, to get some air, and the old Lady who was poorly yesterday, was down, and hoping that she will be alright. Something she ate upset her tummy but we are relieved to feel that it is nothing worse. The chicken you sent her pleased her so much, and it seems to be one of the few things that agree with her, which she especially enjoys. There were a couple of tins in another parcel too, which I took up, because I don't need them.// Your Xmas parcel arrived yesterday, and what a wonderful one it is. The sox are just what I needed and they are the kind I like best. Other mail to arrive during the week was your airgraph of 3 Jan came yesterday. Your airletter of 6 Dec arrived 14th also your Xmas telegram. The shirt you sent on Horace Ryan's behalf came too, and is lovely. A prize letter from Caroline, (ec to Ma Andrews). Nice parcels from sister Nora and Gert, Emily & their mother combined. Also a photo of Gert and Rae, really I have been spoiled with parcels, so many people, relatives and others have sent lovely parcels. I shall never be able to repay all the kindness. It is going to be almost, an impossible job to even acknowledge all of them. Have been intending to tell you before that you must not send things to me which are scarce and hard to get at home. We get plenty of good wholesome food, and I am rather a light eater anyway. We get enough sugar, and can get a ration of chocolate which is quite ample, in fact I rarely eat mine, give it away mostly. Also Ecila has put us on to a little hosp in London where we can get excellent coffee, which with your Klim and the Dads cookies have provided so admirably with the wherewithal for the odd morning coffee and often late in the evening when there's work to be done.// Am glad you have found a nice man to make Mary's bed, and I'm sure it will be a good one. Its hard to realize that our little babe has grown too long for the cot. You will probably never realize how wonderfully you have kept me up to date on our little girl. Your descriptions of her and her doings and reactions have given me a vivid picture of her as she has unfolded her little petals. As Dad used to say, these are the really important things in life. Your New Years festivities sound like a good time. We have the best friends in the world. Evidently you had a pretty good year on your investments in Calif. Its too bad to have to give so much of it back to the Gov't. I know I had married a beautiful and most lovable wife, but I didn't know she was wealthy too!

God bless you both & all my love,


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