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Date: March 10th 1915

7th Batt Dedails
Lucknow Barracks
Tidworth. Wilts.
March 10 1915.

My dear Sister.

I received your letter of 1-3. a few days ago. You'll see by the above andress that I have moved also been transferred. The 11th Batt. has been brocken up and going as reserves to the 2nd Brigade. Theres soldiers going out every day, but we expect to be here a few weeks yet at least.

The adress you put on the top of the envelope I doubt if it would get me if I was away. Who told you I was in any Canadian Scottish regiment? I tried once to join the Canadian Camerons but I couldent.

I had a letter from Alick the other day he said nothing abut going home on leave. He expects to be moved to Edinburgh at any time so he might change his mind when he gets up there, he ought to visit John in Aberdeen anyway.

There weather here is beautiful ever since we came to Tidworth, we only had a couple of showers of rain all the time.

You asked about the meningitis in one of your last letters. It's a very deadly disease its almost died away now one of our Gun section took it but I think he might recover. It generally takes a few days to take a fellow across the border.

Now Mary as I have no news of any kind I think I better come to a close with best regards to all.

Yours affec. Brother
