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Date: April 16th 1917
Smith, Arthur Calvin

April 6, 1917

On Active Service

Dear Ona,

Received your letter of Feb. 15 and was glad to hear from you. I got a letter from Mother and Aunt Tillie the other day. I have not seen Mr. Raithby for about two months.

C.E.F stands for Canadian Expeditionary Force and
B.E.F. " " British " "
Tommy Barnes is in the 4th Battn.

My address is 19th Battalion, Canadians, B.E.F. France.

I sent Ethel two of my photos I got taken in England so don't give her one of the ones at Home.

I am at the Front and in a working party at present.

I am well and getting along allright.

Best Wishes from Arthur

Write soon.
