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Date: September 19th 1915
James Fargey

Wpg, Man
Sept, 19th/15

Dear Father,

Well the weather has been very unsettled since I came here as it has rained nearly every day since I left home. I suppose threshing is not advancing very rapidly.

It is Sunday to-day and is very quiet around here. My cold seemed to sticking to me, although not very bad, so I took a physic this morning and stayed in all day I will be better in the morning. I wrote to Aunt Mary and Aunt Tillie to-night and sent my picture to them. Mrs Smith is in the city, I have not only seen her passing in a street car yet when we were marching downtown yesterday to get our pictures taken. It is the Free Press that are doing it as a means of identification. I was talking to the adjutant the other day or rather he came up to me and asked me how I was getting along. His name is Herehmer and he used to travel for the Hanburg Lumber Company. I guess Alan would know him alright. He said he didn't know exactly when we were going away. We got our underwear the other day It was certainly good stuff but a little heary.

I was up to Mr Leith's last week he got home from Edmonton alright Bert Leigh is in the city he was up to see Jimmie Sheen this morning.

There are over five hundred belonging to the 79th now. There are quite a number of recruits coming in and expect more after harvest.

I see by the papers that pigs are a pretty good price I guess you will be selling those of ours soon. I think Mae Woods is trying to get home next week end. I don't think I will take one as we always get 48 hours leave before we go away and the Adjutant said that I could get home alright or if you are coming in [?] know in line.

The 15th was payday. I drew my $30 which was pay in full for the time I was away. I signed over $15 a month of my pay over to mother. We had to sign it over or the government would keep it for me and dear knows if ever would see it again. You will get the pay monthly and it will go into affect as soon as I leave for the Old Country. I am sending $15 home some of these days as $30 is too much to carry around here. Well father I guess this is all for now.

Do not work too hard

Your loving son

JH Fargey

Original Scans

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