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Date: May 4th 1941


Dear Wannie:-

This is Sunday afternoon and an excelent one at that. I am trying to get a sun-tan as I write this letter. Laying here on the lawn with the sun pouring down and the english sparrows chirping a symphony in the trees. It makes ones thoughts turn to anything but war.

I intended writing you off and on for the last month but couldnt seem to get around to it. I am taking full advantage of that privledge you gave me back in the early stage of my venture. Namely, to mention receit of your letters when I write to Mom & Dad. You seemed to realize my shortcoming in regard to letter writing early in the stage, and took immediate steps to help me. Thank you very much.

I have all three snaps you sent me salted away in my kit. Dan and I look them over every once in awhile. The postcard one of the kids is framed and hanging on the wall. When we leave our billets to go on a scheme, I take it over to the neighbors for safe keeping.

That was a good sugestion about sending Dad a letter. I will try and get one away soon.

How is Matt making out. I suppose he is going on the odd fishing trip. We use to have some good ones out to Gibbons brook.

I am training very intensively for the Divisional sports meet these days. Every afternoon we are on the cinders kicking up the dust. I am in better shape than I ever was in my life. And to think what a drunkard I used to be. It took a World War to wise me up. Its all for the best though, some people never wise up. The detention camps are full of them.

Old sol up there is making me powerful sleepy, so I'll have to leave you for this time. Write to me every chance you get. I look forward to your letters. Say me to Matt and the kids. Cheerio for now. Lots of love


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