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Date: June 6th 1940
Mom and Dad


Dear Mom & dad

I promised to write to you as soon as I reached a destination but am having such a swell time that I just couldnt settle down to write until [?] self for not writing before because I know that you must be worrying after having received my last letter [?] our [?] for places [?] known.

I am not allowed to divulge my present [?] only to say that I am [?] in merry old England.

We have been under [?] for the last two days up until then we [?].

The citizens greeted us with open arms. We were treated like princes.

I think that we were the only Canadians ever to visit this town. We were living off the reputation that our other boys made in the last war - I only hope that we keep up the reputation.

I was fortunate enough to meet a family of pretty fair means who thought it was their sole duty to entertain us while we are here - or it seemed to me for they spared no end to see that we enjoyed ourselves. The Mr. was an artillery man and the Mrs. was also in some branch of the army in the last war, their oldest daughter is in the A.T.S. at presemt by the way you may expect a letter from her.


Just as I was getting well under way with this letter the order came [?] break [?] We never know what to expect next these days. Our Regiment is a mobile unit now. So that we must be prepared to move in very short notice.

Yesterday we were all worked up over our inspection. None of us knew who was going to inspect other than that it was some big shot. It turned out to be the King & Queen. There may be some pictures of it in the Star or Standard soon.

I received a letter from you yesterday written May 22nd. I bet Roy cuts a mean figure in the kilts. If you have a snap of the kids send it along.

This letter will be censored here in camp so that there is no sense in telling you where I am it will only be blotted out. If there is any post mark on this letter let me know when you write again.

It is nearly supper time so Ill quit for this time.

Love to all

P.S. I received two medals for being on the winning side in Brigade sports. Will send them home at the first opportunity.

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