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Date: June 23rd 1941
Mom and Dad

23 Jun 41

Dear Mom & Dad:-

Arrived back off leave yesterday. Enjoyed it IK, spent a few days in London Lechester and Nottingham. There was quite a bit of mail waiting for me when I returned. Three letters from you ranging from May 11th to June 5th. There was also a letter from Tick and one from Wannie. Two parcels, one containing the cake and the other "goodies" and underwear, arrived O.K. All the apples, except one, in the cake box cam through perfect. The cake was delicious. I still have most of it. Today I received an airgraph letter from you. It was written June 10th.

I was very glad to get a letter from Tick. He seems to be doing OK. I will write him shortly.

Wannie sent me snaps of little Karl. He is sure getting to be a little Karl. He is sure getting to be a little Shawn.

Today I started training again for summer sports. The first Bde. meet is held Friday. Div. meet will be held on Dominion day. We've got to get them over fast this year to sort of get on our toes for the second front.

This is all for now. Will write in a few days.

Lots of love to all.

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