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Date: February 9th 1941
Mom and Dad

Feb 9/41

Dear Mom & Dad:

Here is your weekly note. There is not much to write home about. Things are about the same.

I received a parcel from Lorna & Bob. It was very nice. That sweater you sent was just the thing. I have a real "sunday go to meeting" outfit now.

Jackie Rudderham sent me a shirt and tie: I have a new battle dress: two pairs of shoes: the sweater you sent and a new great coat, Its all put away for special occasions.

Oh yes: the Red Cross gave us all a scarf, gloves and a knitted cap. One of the Rubber coys of Canada gave us a pair of lumber-mans rubbers, and do we ever sport them around. I dont think they can be bought in England. The people over here wear the knee rubber boots.

We had good evening in billets this evening. Yesterday J.C. got a letter from his girl, (Ripley is her name). She wrote a very good letter explaining how impossible it was for them to keep up the affair. She figured that the war may last for years and she was getting old, and both their views may have changed after it was all over. J.C. read it and agreed with everything. Then he wrote one in answer to it.

Every thing would have gone alright but, he made one mistake and that was, giving it to us to pass critizism. We tore it apart and built it up a dozen times. Everyone had to read read the one. from the girl to get the proper slant on things. Poor J.C. sat in the corner and couldnt get a word in edge ways. He said that he felt like a prisoner in the box while the defence and prosecution were fighting the case. It was some fight too. Some of the boys are not speaking to each other yet.

It almost came to blows a dozen times. At last each became so discusted with the others point of view that nobody would argue with anybody else. Thats how it finished. J.C. is across the table from me writing now. He swears nobody will see this one. I dont blame him.

Tell Lorna and Wannie I will write soon. Maybe to-morrow.

This is all for now.

Love to all

P.S. Give my love to Willie

PPS. I received three bundles of papers this week. The Liberty was good, drop in the odd one.

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