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Date: December 27th 1941
Mom and Dad

27 Dec

Dear Mom & Dad:

This is just a little note to let you know that I am O.K. Christmas came and passed O.K. We had a swell dinner; chicken with all the trimmings.

I received the parcel made up of two this, it was very good. Thanks for the socks.

The two airmail letters took 15 days to arrive. I suppose after talking to Don Molladan [?] you know that I am not in any immediate danger.

We will soon be celebrating our second anniversary. Two years on active service and still going strong.

Howard Riley and Fiddler are around somewhere. Havent had a chance to look them up yet. Expect to shortly.

Hope your operation will be successful keep the chin up.

Instead of waiting to get into a letter writing mood I will pencil short notes like this every few days. You will probably like it better that way.

I am on another refresher course now. Will finish in another week.

Saw Donnie today. He is ok.

This is all for now, will write again in a few days.

Love to all

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