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Date: May 4th 1944

New Westminster B.C.

May 4, 1944

My Dear Son,

Just a few lines to let you know we are well & hope you are the same, expected a letter from you today, but no dice, but I know that one will come soon. No doubt you will be back from your leave by this time. hope you enjoyed yourself & suppose you will be able to tell us all about the big city when you get home.

Ruth & a girl friend were at Stanley Park on Sunday, & they ran into George, Ruth says he looks very sick, you know Jack he hasent been out here since you were home & couldn't imagine where he had gone to, but has been in hospital for a long time, he dident even let us know he was sick Fitzgerald's do things in a queer way, don't they?

The weather at least has warmed up & we are putting in a vegetable garden, or at least Ruth is doing the most of it, I just help. have been trying to get a part time job, but so far have been unsuccessful, but suppose it will come in time if I keep trying. Are your parcels still coming through? hope you get the razor blades & soap as they tell me they are pretty hard to get over there.

There isent much news to tell you things seem to be going along just the same, I hardly ever see any of the boys now, that is the few that are still around here & I guess after June the ones that are still here will be joining up.

Ruth hasent heard from Norm this week either it is the first week she ahs missed getting a letter from him. She dosent [?] hear from Mal very often either. but of course you never can tell where he will be, and it isent always possible for him to write.

Aunt Peg was out yesterday & has had another letter from Gene. she is quite pleased about it all.

Well Jack I guess I will have to go as I have a load of wood to pile & the grass needs cutting. So until next time be a good boy & take good care of yourself & remember you are always with me in my thoughts and prayers. So with all my love


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