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Date: August 17th 1918
Lorene (Sister)
Charles Willoughby

Aug 17/1918

My Dear Lorene:

I was very glad to to receive your second letter from Port Stanton a couple of days ago. The first has not yet arrived but that is not unusual with the mail deliveries these days.

From the sound of thing I should say you are or were having a mighty fine time of it up there. You certainly deserve it after your hard work of the last year. Evidently it was one continuous round of picnics you must certainly be an expert canoeist by now. - Probably you have Maryon started on the game too

I quiet appreciate Mussons invitations for next Summer and hope to be able to take advantage of it.

No doubt by now you know the result of your exam. and I hope you have all been as successful as you deserve to be which means you all pass easily. I am anxious for the letter telling me the results.

I hear Hazel Goodwin expects to go to University next year. I am very glad to hear it. The college life will be the making of her.

The picture you sent may look like me but when you see me travelling in the same car as the "commander-in-chief" you can take it something is about to happen in this war. I have not yet ascended to that height in the social scale.

I know you and Maryon will be having some wonderful times these days. By now you are probably on the way to Wisconsin So I am going to send this to Chippewa so you may get it quicker.

From the programme of motor trips you had for Maryons stay in Toronto I should think you are both real chauffeurosses by now or did you depend mostly on Father to do the driving. The next letter from home should tell me a lot of your doings. Probably Maryon has been able to stay longer in Toronto than she expected at first.

On the way to Chippewa no doubt you have spent a few days at Chicago. I know Uncle Jack and Aunt Berry will be expecting you to do so and probably on the way back you will be spending a few days in Detroit If Ralstons are at home. I should say you would have a might good time there too.

Every thing is still very quiet here. I am now back at headquarters for a few days. A person would hardly know there is a war on back in this billet It is a very neat little cottage just like home. - A real kitchen and dining room. - real bedrooms and a real bed to sleep on. Who wouldn't want to come to the war. - I have done considerable riding since coming back here. It surely is good sport almost as good as canoeing.

By the way, Lorene, while you are at Chippewa keep your eyes open for something I might get Maryon for Christmas. I want to give her something real good and also something serviceable. As I am not in a position to show her a good time I want to make a present something worth while I am anxious to know what you might support. I remember Stewart gave Gertrude a case containing a complete. - what do you call it. - I think ‘Locket-set' one Christmas - You know the kind. It includes a complete manaeuving outfit - bush-mirrors etc. I dont know whether something like that would be or O.K. not - you just nose around and see what you think

Well, Lorene, there is not much to write about today. I am hoping to hear how your exams came out soon. I know you are having the time of your life this summer and will hope to hear more about it soon.

Your Loving brother


P.S. - Dont hesitate to suggest something costing a fair bit of money. Then probably you could give an idea of comparative prices so I could see if it would be advisable to get it in England.

