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Date: June 2nd 1916

June 2nd 1916

Dear Father

I haven't received any mail yet, though I expect there is quite a bit somewhere but as we haven't been here very long, I suppose they haven't had time to sort it out yet, but expect to get it to-day or tomorrow. Of course we can't tell you where we are or anything like that, but the address I gave you in my last letter will get me alright. Last night I was on a fatigue party, and we were nearly up to the front line trenches but haven't been in yet. Expect to go in before long. There is a fellow here in this Batt'n named Baird, that I knew very well in Vancouver, perhaps you have heard me speak of him, as he was a great friend of Bobby Orr's. Since arriving here, we have been treated very well. We get plenty to eat and good places to sleep in and considering the circumstances, we have very little to complain of. Will you send this on to mother, and let Doris know you heard from me. I will try and write to Port Alberni in a couple of days, also to Doris, but all letter writing seems so tiring, and unnecessary when one once gets here. However, I will try and get one away every week to you or mother. There were three of us in CC in Shorncliffe that made marksmanship and we are all in the same platoon here. Be sure and let me know how you get along with the motor-bicycle. I hope it wasn't much trouble. All the country we have seen is very pretty, and I can quite understand why the Germans want it and why the French fight so hard to save it. Be sure and give me all the war news you get, as it is a case of "the cobblers son always the worst shod" here. Well so long for the present.

Your Loving Son
Geo. M. Bird
