Dec 21st 16
Dear Mother:-
Just rec'd your welcome letter of 29 Nov enclosing one from Phil and saying you had just rec'd my photo.
When I woke this morning there was a telegram from Syd saying he was in London on leave so I am now sticking around waiting for him to come down as I can take him up and claim a pass. I got my Xmas pass turned down, but I will be able to work one now. Believe me it will be a Row brothers row if we cut loose. I certainly had a good time when I was down to Croydon.
It is raining like fury but we should worry. Say Phil is some writer is he not for a kid of twelve. Everyone was going crazy about those photos. I got rid of about two dozen. My arm is healed up now and I am getting massage and physical torture.
Well dear I will send you another after Xmas so I shall close now. I have been in Blighty over three months now and likely to be another three.
Give my love to all.
P.S. Send $10 in bills, $5 at a time.