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Date: September 25th 1916
Mr. Fraser
Lieut. Guy McLeuwen

Sept 25th 1916

Dear Mr. Fraser: -

I thought I'd write you a few lines to tell you how your son Jack is getting along in the army. He's been in my platoon ever since joining the Battalion so I know him pretty well now. Well! He's turned out to be as good a soldier as you could wish for and you have every reason to be proud of him. Last year when he joined us I didn't think he'd be able to stand the hard work but it seems to agree with him because he's looking fine at present. The other day we had a very long route march after spending over three weeks in the trenches; the men were falling out all along the road and Jack's feet were hurting him so he could hardly walk; I told him he'd better fall out but no! he wouldn't hear of it and he stuck to it and finished the march. That sort of thing has happened several times with Jack and he's shown up well every time, so as I said before, you may well be proud of him. Must close now as I have a parade.

Yours Sincerely

Lieut. Guy McLeuwen
73 Br. Canadians

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