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Date: June 15th 1916
Ivy Redman (Sister)
George Redman

F. G. H.
June 15/1916

My Dear Sis

I have not heard from you for quite a while but I recieved the two magazines they have been all through the troop. We have been having very wet weather for the last two weeks and it is very miserable as we have no place to dry our clothes I have been wet for the last weeks we go to bed with our cloths on so that they will dry out a bit. I have no news to give you as it is very dull around here, I suppose that will surprise you but it is only too true. I dont know wether I asked you before but if anything happens to me dad will be notified he will let you know as soon as he can and I would like you to let Ms Knowles as soon as you can for she will not have any other way of knowing. Hope you are still doing well and still like your work

hoping you are well as this leaves me

Your Bro
G. H. Redman

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