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Date: September 30th 1943

Oct 29/43

Dear Mother:-

Received a couple more letters form you to-day so decided to answer them right away. That is really quite a nice looking girlfriend that Cecil has but Leonard seems to be taking quite a shine to her so Cecil had better watch out. Leonard looks quite nice in his uniform, he is just about as broad as Mel is only not quite. I wrote Mel before I got leave but didn't receive his letter until after I got back so I didn't see him at all. I was a little sorry not to see him because God knows when I will get another one. I may see him when He gets another leave as I am quite close to a big town where he would meet me. That's quite a good letter that Frankie wrote but not quite a s good as his last one but maybe he will improve after a while I must answer the old mans letter to-night sometime, I am really getting behind in my letter writing and yet I write about two a night. I really don't know what I would like for Xmas except maybe shirts & socks. There is really nothing else I need or that I can think of at present but usually anuthing in the way of clothes or eats would suit me find. I am going to start to write letters pretty soon as my airmail letters are running a little bit low so don't worry if you don't hear from me for awhile as it takes a little longer for them to go. I might be able to get a few more after a while but I don't know. I really haven't got much to write about this time but I won't tell any of my secrets in my letters to Dad or Delbert so I may have some more news in them. I do now one thing thought that I am going to put on my winter longies to-night because it really is bloody cold over here and I can't seem to keep warm at all. I am practically sitting on top of the stove and I am still freezing slowly but surely. I have really been having a very quite time since I came here, mostly because of the money situation but it will improve tomorrow as it is pay-day. So off to Leeds I go to see a very nice English girl oh boy. Well I really must close for now as I dropping ink all over

Love to all


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