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Date: November 18th 1918
Gordon DeGear

12 Cdn. Gen. Hosp.


Dear Mother.

It must be a few days over a week since I last wrote and since then I have been up and am now up for good a hopping around in great style although it is a little sore where I was operated but, but outside of that I am feeling fine and have got my Canada papers made out which will mean that I will be leaving here and going to the hospital in Liverpool for a few days and then will be on my way home & am absolutely certain that I will be home in about a month's time or at least before Xmas. They are starting to send them home wholesale now and all category men are leaving immediately for home if not already. At anyrate there will be all kinds of boys that are in England now will be home for Xmas that is certain. I suppose by the time you get this I will most likely be on my way home and there will be mail that will probably never reach me & no doubt that people will have sent their boys Xmas parcels and a lot of them will be on their way home before they receive them. I have been thinking hard lately what I will do when I get back and wonder if I will be able to get work soon after I arrive at the printing trade as I do not want to lay around but hate the thought of having to settle down to work again as it will be pretty hard for us boys to get down to at at first. One thing I do not want to go into the Herald office when I get back as there will be trouble I believe in keeping me paid up and I will have to settle down & get right after the money. My intentions are to visit home for a short while & then get right after a job on the double. The weather has been rather cold and bleak lately and no doubt will have a cold trip going home & will get there fast as winter is settling in for earnest of which I would sooner land in the summer but of course we have no choice as to that and all of us will be home anyway before many months have past. The way I look at it if I do not go back to printing immediately will have to give it up altogether and it would be a shame to start at anything else unless I went in with Tots but do not know if I would care to stick with the farming unless there was very good inducements to do so but will soon get over those difficulties when I am able to have a look at how things are when I get back. Really I cannot really believe that we are all going home & seems as if I have done nothing else but soldier all my life. There is nothing in the way of news to speak of but will try to let you know diffenitely when I will be leaving & if I have some money to spare will cable from Liverpool when we leave. Hoping this finds everybody well. Will close now hoping that I will know soon when I leave
Love to all from your loving son


Have had no mail for nearly three weeks now.

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