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Date: January 1st 1946
Mother and Father
Joseph Moore

R208467. L.A.C. MOORE, J.L.
4436 S.E., R.C.A.F. STN.,
Jan. 1/46

Dear Mom & Dad,

I hope this finds you all well there. I am not doing too badly now. I think I must be getting acclimatized. I've just received your letter of the 20th and I'm glad to hear you got those pictures. Were there 100 in the set? One of the boys Fred Gosnell, had a good camera and his own developing & printing outfit, so he took orders from all the boys when he left Burma. He was repatted in August, I think. There is a Sqdn. Album to come yet too. You should find me in that somewhere. I thought I told you about that somewhere. I thought I told you all about that at the time I ordered them but perhaps I forgot to do so. Take good care of them for me please. I may be sending my watch home if I get a chance, so would you please get if fixed for me and send it back please. It stopped last March I think. By the way, I sure could use that grey sweater if it's still around, and some heavy socks, too. I'm going to ask Jim to try and get me some Canadian issue shirts. Mine won't last much longer and these R.A.F. shirts are no good. Johnnie and I skipped out yesterday afternoon and hitch-hiked to Oxford and spent a very nice New Year's Eve at his aunt's place. We hitch-hiked back this afternoon because I had to go on night duty this evening. I'm writing to you from Wiltshire tonight because the county line runs through the [']drome. I hope you had a nice Christmas and all the best in the year to come. Goodnight. Your loving son, Joe.

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