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Date: January 20th 1945
Mother and Father
Joseph Moore

R-208467 L.A.C. MOORE, J.L.
#436 SQDN. RC.A.F.
Jan. 20/45

Dear Mom & Dad,

There isn't much to write about but I thought I better write and let you know I received a box last night. It was the one with the gum & chocolates, etc. in it. Everything was in swell shape. I had plenty of willing help opening it and we really enjoyed it. With them coming through in ones and twos like this everybody shares whatever they get. With the box came your letter of 31st Dec. Thanks for the newspaper clippings. On the 17th I answered your letter of January 3rd. I had just got settled after a fifteen hundred mile hop from the old station. I've traveled about 2500 miles in India alone now and am looking forward to some travel further eastward perhaps. That's too bad about cousin Alan having to come back over. I would like to have seen the pageant. Yes I received a lovely wedding photo from Jim & Gwen. Since, I received a letter you sent to him to forward to me. An old one. They had six feet of snow just north of the old station. The cold really hurt us after having our blood thinned out. The nights are cold & damp here but the days are unbearably hot. Food & water are not plentiful. So Dad's off candy, eh? If he was here, he would grab at anything at all was edible. We get pineapples right off the plant sometimes. No, you didn't tell me about Colin & Alice but Jim did. A lot of us didn't get leave but I don't care much about it anyway. This country here is pretty nice. A lot better than the other place. The natives are more like Chinese. A lot cleaner looking & more intelligent. My eyes are getting sore writing by this coal oil lamp. I just answered a letter from Beatrice F. and I have one to answer yet from another girl I met a few times in L'pool. A very nice girl named Mary Weston. She has two brothers out here some place. I think I told you my kit came back on another kite, from Calcutta. I'm [sorry] to hear that Dad has glasses. There's no limit to the things one can do to help Nature. Thanks for the birthday greetings and the same to you & Dad in the month of April if my following letters are late. So long till next time.


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