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Date: November 1st 1915
Howard Curtis

November 1, 1915

Dear Mother,

I am still in the hospital but I have a feeling it won't be for very long now. One thing I miss is mail. There have been no letters since I came down here. It makes things lonesome when there are no letters for me. Perhaps my luck will change to-night when the mail is distributed.

By the time this letter reaches you, the weather will be cold in Canada. It's been rather wet here lately because we are near the sea. This is a big hospital, in fact there are seven or eight hospitals here. The Canadians have a hospital not far away. It's marvelous how well the wounded are cared for here. Much credit is due to the sisters and doctors who have come to this place to care for the sick and wounded. One could not ask for better treatment than we get here.

There are plenty of concerts and entertainment for those who are able to be up and around. The patients who are confined to bed are kept cheery with gramophones, etc. This place is certainly a big change after being in the trenches for nine months. Things are going pretty smoothly up the line, but I don't think there will be much more fighting on this front. Winter weather will prevent any big moves. There may be something doing in the Balkans I hear.

This is all the news I have for now. Do write often.

I remain
Your loving son

No.26 General Hospital
Ward 7
2nd Battalion
1st Canadian Div.
