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Date: August 19th 1917
Amos William

853 Nassau St. Winnipeg, Man.
August 19 - 17.

My dear Will,-

Sunday afternoon, and ready for another start. Shirley has gone to Sunday School.Billy has not gone since he was sick. He did start, but got lonesome and came home, and has not started since.

Well, my dear, I had your fine long letter on Friday morning and was so pleased to hear it, - and to hear about the 18th July. It was awfull but it is over - and not to be gone through again. I hope they got the rest of the shell out - and that you are getting on fine - It was a month yesterday since it happened - and we counted on having you home inside of 3 months. The last word I heard from you was written on July 29 - three weeks ago. There will likely be another in the first mail. I have read your letter to several - just now to Mrs. McCord. She came in when I had just written 3 lines, and stayed for over an hour. Her son, your old chum, wrote for particulars about you, so I read the letters to them (Her sister; Mrs. Millican & her daughter came too). - and They were all crying "George McCrod is back at Bramshott - an instructor and may go up to see you, if he can she says.

I see you Scotch letter is not censored. The English mail is not censored now she tells me. She lives on the near end of the street that Grants live on. People are being very kind Mrs. Pittis was in on Friday. I had a surprise this morning but I'll start with last night. Miss Plowman (Mr. Woods' sister in the house back of us) - was to start for her home in Toronto, at 7.30 this morning So she came over to phone - and brought me a lovely box of chocolates. She told my neighbor here that she "loves" me. I am so reserved but she has grown so fond of me." I'll miss her too. Well, Billy has a touch of poison ivy on his face & hand - not bad, & it kept him restless last night & I got scarcely any sleep. I got up & looked out at 7 A.M. & saw them passing to the station & just got started to read a bit in bed, when I heard some one at the door, & hopped out again & here was Add on his way back to Sask. He was alone - Jennie will not come till later. He was in Toronto buying tools etc. to open up his shop- He & Carmen Ross are going into partnership. He was offered $45 a week, to work in another shop in Assiniboia but says if he is worth that to them he will be worth more to himself. He is staying till to-morrow morning. We are certainly having lots of company now. It will help to pass the time till you come. We will not be going to church - Add has just a scuff suite on.

I had a note from Bella. Am so sorry that they have lost their little boy. She wrote just a note the day he died, They will miss the little fella She said they would see that you got all you need etc. And I am sending an order for $10ºº in the letter I have ready to mail, and can send more as needed. I will not send much at a time, & will send it in P.O. Orders - to go quicker. You will know I got the $125ºº about 6 weeks ago - It was rather slow of the Union Bank not to be able to find me when I have an account with them - & a phone. My cheque come to-morrow (Patriotic $24ºº) - so I can send $10ºº of that to Bella. & $5ºº to Ruby For a crock of butter She sent on Friday. I am trying hard to get my winter butter - have written Mrs. McIvor and if she can't may try Mrs. Wood (keep I hope I can get a crock or two. I had to by one pound at Eatons & paid 42¢. Ruby charged 30¢ I have written Abe Baldron for a crate of eggs I have 8 dozen in water glass but if you come we'll need more so I'll get the crate if I can & may be sell 4 doz. I have 3 doz. not pickled They say there are plenty of potatoes this year I will send my order to George Gunn again & get perhaps 7 bushels - what we had last year - my get 8 - an extra one for you. We are using our potatoes - but they are small yet & I don't think I'll pull any more for a while - may by another quarters worth - to do a couple of weeks. We can use the carrots & beets now. To-day it is turning quiet cool again. The sort of weather one fancies fried potatoes, for tea etc.

No one has told me yet if you are sure to be home If your wounds did allow you to stay I don't think your nerves will ever be fit for it again. Dr. McRae was saying to Mrs. Gunn that he did not know how you'd ever do over there- so perhaps this will send you home. Wouldn't it be great if we just knew the day you were to come - and could be preparing for that. As it is we are laying all our plans to that end.

It was Hatti Caswell - Carleton Place who told Add you had been wounded - tho' she could not understand the "Corp'l" - Add told her you had given up your "commission" - I must write to her as soon as I can. If she just knew when you'd be passing through she would be sure to go to see you at Carleton Place.

School open a week from to-morrow and Shirley will be off again, I must begin to sew for fall now. I got 5 yds of cloth last winter @ 15¢ a yd. lovely cloth. had been damp - but one would not notice it - It had been 45¢. It will make her a nice warm school dress. Also suit For Billy if he needs one. It is a "terror" to think we are so near winter again.

I wrote to Maggie Flett, asking when she could have us but she has not written yet & now holidays are about over so I guess I'll not get down this summer. Wish I could get a pail (or part of one) of black currants to make jelly also preserves to make drinks for you. I am going to write to some one out there to see if I can get any. Mrs. Fred Williamson may send me cranberries. I have not done any preserving yet only strawberries. Add says apples are scarce in Ontario so they will likely be high this fall.

Are you getting the letters that would go to France - on the way before you were wounded? If so you should be getting quite a few little photos Thorey asked me to send her kind regards & best whishes to you. She is very busy. I spoke to her about making me a[?] coat. & she says for me to sew with her & it won't take so long - so that is a good chance & it will not cost more than half as much as to buy one. I think Shirley & Billy are "coated" for this winter You will need a nice wearing suit as soon as you are out of Khaki. Your blue is just fit to work in now. I had a scare yesterday the phone rang & central said "C.P.R. Telegraph" & I though "Oh its about Will" but she had got the wrong number. "I'm sorry" - but I had the "chill," all the same. They certainly keep me "riled" up with wrong messages. I think they deliver the serious ones. No Name (Rev. A.W.M) is in the new phone book - tho' 546 have same not. There is one Mayes an inch or two above - & no other near - so I suppose they stop looking. Add has been snoozing on the sofa all this time but has just wakened. It keeps me busy trying to keep the kidlets off him. Billy says "Hello Uncle" - They are trying to bite his mustache & he says he will go asleep again at breakfast. I asked Billy to say Grace & he says "No - its up to him" nodding at Add. Add had a great laugh. Billy cut off a bunch of lettuce in the morning & sold it to Add for 5 coppers & here he is now with a handful of beet tops yelling out "Greens For Sale."

I'll stop now, to begin again in a day or two. I have not been down street for 2 weeks & will have to go soon - to the bank - not much shopping doing these times. Love & Kisses from us all and write often

Lovingly yours Betty.

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