October 11, 1916
Dear Mother:-
It is a very long time since I wrote to you last but I could not do so sooner as we have been on the move ever since we left the base to join our battalion. We arrived in this town last night or rather early this morning from the trenches. We were in the trenches for five days. Two days on working parties two in the reserve and one in the front line. Our battalion relieved Art's and I was lucky enough to be able to talk to him for a little while before going up. My but we were glad to get out of the mud and roar of those trenches tired wet and hungry but it is to be hoped we will now have a nice quiet rest before going in again. But best of all mother what did we find when we got here this morning but a big pile of Canadian mail the first I have had since we left Eng. I got a nice long letter from you a box and two packages of Sunday World from Grace I am looking for a lot more yet though I suppose it will soon be here now. The box was pretty well battered up but nevertheless it was swell. Our batt. is quartered in different houses of stables in this town I am in a stable I guess you could call it. The Germans at one time were billeted here and they have torn every thing to pieces. A lot of buildings have been wrecked by big shells. This morning I did not get up till after breakfast was over but that did not worry me as I had this nice little box of yours right in bed with me. I then had a much needed wash I also washed my feet and changed my socks. I will have to stop for a while now as we are going to move on to another town in a few hours and I will finish it there. Have to close now.