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Date: February 1st 1941
Gordon Joshua Dennison

Feb. 1st 1941
Brandon Man.

Dear All'

Well here we are in Brandon, not a bad sized town. We arrived here Friday at 3. All we have done so far is wait. I have received my uniform but not my bag or kits. First we were inspected for a haircut then we passed through the medical office, then we were recorded and passed through the pay office then to the storeroom for our uniform.

We sleep in bunks I have an upper (worst luck).

They sure through the food around in the mess room but I guess they have to on account of the number to feed.

I was the only one who passed by for not getting a haircut.

The instructor says that we mightn't be here long for they have to move us on to make room for others.

When we were being sworn in Regina one of the boys fainted. We had an x-ray at
Regina Gray Nuns Hospital I passed it.

We had to wait from 8 o'clock to 5 in Regina to get sworn in and other stuff.

We started out with 10 of us but there was only 6 get to Brandon. One had to go home to get his naturalization papers the other 3 had to wait until the next day so we came on without them.

We have to make our own beds and fold our own blankets in to flats each morning. If they aren't just right you get C.B. (confined to Barracks).

It has been quite nice here these two days I mean the weather has.

In Regina we had to pay for our own meals and hotel room.

I see a lot of Money belts around. I will have to get myself one, they are $2.25.

The underwear they give you is like a horse blanket so at least it ought to keep m e warm.

I guess I have to many clothes here so I will be sending some of them home pretty soon as soon as we get settled.

One fellow burnt a large hole in his mattress last night when he wasn't even suppose to be smoking in the barracks. He will be find and catch heck so we are told.
This air force business isn't as rosy on the inside as it looks on the outside.

Tell Ronnie and the others that I will write them when we get a permanent station.
My number is R85330 rank AC2.
My address now is
Dennison G.J. R85330
#2 Maning depot
Brandon Manitoba

If I am moved on my letters will be forwarded.

It is all quite a novelty right now but time will tell.

Hope this finds you all well write soon.

Your son