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Date: June 1st 1917
Jack Jr.

7 Coy 1st C.C.D.
St. Leonards

Dear Mother,

I have not had a letter from you for some time but I guess it's not your fault.

Had a letter from Syd about a week ago and he gave me a great hauling over about those photos so I sent for another doz. And am sending you three or four. I want you to be sure and send one to Uncle Arthur and give one to Art and his wife. I don't know whether I sent one to Boston or not. We are not allowed to send any photos to the States. I believe Florence asked for one so I will send six and you can distribute them.

I just had a letter from Florence today and she told me Evert was wounded. Gunshot in left wing, same as I had.

I have very little to do and all day to do it in. I am on a permanent fatigue, unloading supplies off the cars. We only work afternoons at the station and stick around the billet in the morning. We are having pretty hot weather these days.

I had a letter from you last week written in April.

Dad seemed to be very cheerful in his last letter and was raving about the green trees and the birds. I guess he was glad to see it after the long wet winter.

This last big push that took place is on the part of the front that the Canucks held all last summer and Dad's unit must have been in it. The unit he is with have been laying mines under Fritz for over a year all ready for this. I was expecting that we would have to do this last summer.

Well dear, love to all.

Jack jr.
