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Date: June 11th 1943

Mrs. Maurice Maloney
Meaford Ontario
June 11. /43

Dearest M. -

This is a lovely day, sunny and warm. Our wee son is just growing like a weed. He gets a sun bath every day now. He is sleeping a lot more than he used to. Some more pictures are on the way to you of him and of me. Marion took three poses of me in a bathing suit. They turned our great. Some figure. I hope you get them [?]. There was a military dance in the Armories last night. I was up town early in the evening, and there were just oodles of soldiers around. Art got up from Borden, so he and Marion were there. Marion was twenty yesterday. I got three swell letters from you yesterday. In one you had enclosed a letter Mrs. Beardsworth had written to you I'm awfully sorry that I can't send fruit to her. Is there anything else that you would like me to send to her? Do you know what your Aunt Olive give Donnie? A dandy commode chain she has a heart of gold. It was just great of her wasn't it Mo. Mum & I having been busy tearing paper off the parlour walls & ceiling. So we are pretty stiff. It is ready now to paper. I hope Mrs. Baltus can come real soon to do it. So you would like to take an O.T.C. I hope you have luck Mo, if you really want it. Don't you like were you are! I got a letter from Pat Stumpf yesterday. She said she had written you about 2 weeks ago. They are just fine and very happy. Guess I will have to stop writing funny face. Will write to-night. I love you Mo, very much. Donnie & I send all our love.

Faithfully yours.


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