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Date: January 19th 1917
Ivy Redman (Sister)
George Redman

Jan 19 1917

My Dear Sis

You will no doubt be surprised to hear from me here. I arrived here last Saterday and you have no idea what a relive it is to be free for awhile. I had an awful trip over and was as sick as a dog but it is worth it. I am having a fine rest and every thing I want I am afraid I would be a spoiled boy if I was here boy I wish you were here to enjoy it with me. I was down to see Leslie he is ugly fat but if he goes to France that will soon come off but hope he will not be sent out till spring as it is awful out there now. The last month has pulled me down a lot. We have been digging trenches about two hundred from the front line at nights a little to the right of Cambles and the mud is terrible a lot of the boys are going under with being continually wet and the shelling is bad, I have been very lucky so far but how long my luck is going to last I dont know I would like a nice blighty but ten to one Fritz would hit me too hard and I would curse my luck for not being luckier I guess I am just as well off with out it. Aunt says I have gone thin and I feel thin but otherwise I am in the best of health. I am sending you a rosary which I took out of the nuns of the old church at Marafas which is just a little to the right of Cambles It is broken up as the place has been fired but the [?] is still good, also a button which I cut of a dead German I found down a dugout they are plain ones they are all wearing them now I expect they have run out of brass. I am sending some of them home.

Well sis I must close will write you again when I get back hoping this will find you well

Your Loving Bro

G H Redman

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