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Date: July 27th 1918
Toronto Women's Alliance
Wilfred Campbell

Sat July 27.

Dear Mrs Archer.

Just a line to thank you, as Red Cross Sec. for the Alliance, for the socks which were sent to me through Mother.

They were very acceptable and most comfortable too. We can always use plenty of them

There is littel news I can give you. We are kept fairly busy but not worked too hard. Weather has been pretty decent so far although it has rained for the last couple of days.

Too bad about Allan Hutchson was so unfortunate. If he makes the grade allright it will be a wonderful experience.

News is certainly encouraging these days when we get any. We live on rumours out here and only occasionally do we get authentic reports.

Please thank the Red Cross branch for me and also many thanks to yourself.

With best wishes
Wilfred Campbell.

