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Date: March 16th 1918
William McLellan

Mar 16

Dear Folks:

I'm trying to write this in a Y - in an old cellar - and somebody is playing rags on a worn out piano - one of Fritz's at that - and everybody else in here is trying to sing so it I get things twisted don't blame me.

I don't know just when I wrote last but it was a week or so ago I think. Any way things are going O.K. and I'm getting to like the work better every day. Another Can. mail a few days ago and I got the usual good word. I got another letter from Mildred Prouse with a snap in it of Lee in his Ensign uniform. Some "swank" eh!

Two of the parcels came when we were up the line and I'm looking for another tonight. We always live high when a Canadian mail arrives.

I hear from Peener & Chief every week Peener expects me to come back to France any time now and Chief has a chance to make Canada. Also had a letter from Mac but he didn't say anything about when he was coming out here. "Spud" Barlow got a good "Blights" and is out of hospital and OK now. He expects to get a job in the Pay Office in London. Lynn Feurt was O.K. the last I heard of him which wasn't so very long ago. I hear from Chuck quite often altho I haven't seen him for ages. Burnie is O.K. too. He's in his B'n Scouts too.

We've been having regular July weather for the last month. Not a drop of rain or snow & everything dried up. Its been a great winter all around. We will probably get a dose of rain soon but we can't kick at all

I'll send one of those photos as soon as I get out and also one to Mpls. I've promised Mildren one too if they aren't too "awful".

Say will you send me some story-magazines? You know those paper covered affaires. Don't send books for they are too heavy & expensive but sometimes you can run across real books with paper covers. If you can find anything by the author of "The Riders of the Purple Sage - It's Zane Grey isn't it? or Rex Beach I think I've read all of Harold Bell Wrights except one & I forget it. About all we get here is some fool English stories that are worse than nothing.

How is conscription going> From what I've heard its a farce. I was afraid it would go that way. I guess "there ain't no such animal" as an honest politician. The only one I knowof is Woodrow Wilson.

Well I guess I'll ring off for now. I'm going down to the Coy to see some of the fellows.

Love to Everybody Bill
