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Date: December 7th 1917

Highwood Montana
Dec. 7th 1917

Dear Ma.

Uncle Jim is going down to the lower ranch past the post boxes so I thought I would just drop a line. The past week we have had cold weather it was 30º below zero but we would never have known if it was'nt for the thermometer as we were so comfortable all through the house and had no occasion to go outside for anything during the night we have had a quick change in temp. Last night before going to bed it was 16º below & this morning it is 28º above, the sun is bright and the snow is melting off the roof. You would certainly wonder where the animals would get enough to eat the horses were pawing away the snow to get down to the grass. They fed a little for the first time yesterday, these cattle are certainly good rustlers.

One day last week we made two boxes for soldiers one for Rob & another for a man who worked here we sent just 5 lb boxes, some candy, piece of fruit cake, pkge of dates, gum & a box of sugar wafers it was certainly lightly packed, also ½ dozen safety pins to Rob. I bot a centre piece in St Pauls and finished embroidering it yesterday it looks very pretty am giving it to Aunt Belle at Xmas. I am making a New Year Resolution to learn to knit, did a little bit on a pair of wristlets.

They have a new man delivering the mail & he is a N.G. and lazy and hasn't got around since the beginning of the week so have not had any news. Did you send Rob a paper with the Halifax disaster in? I intend on writing him soon and Aunt Belle is going to send the Presidents Speech.

Aunt Belle is getting one egg a day she will soon be killing some off & then feed the rest to get some eggs.

We had a busy day putting away the meat & making lard 70 lbs and 77 lbs sausage meat. (I made bread again). We all dug in and it took the whole day cutting & chopping. but there is enough to do for a year. Uncle John sold one pig for $75.00. You can imagine the size of it. Aunt Belle says if you were closer we would send a mess of sausage.

The Thermometer now registers 36º above and still going up. It is sure a sudden change. Well this is all at present. Will expect a letter in todays' mail. Evelyn's the only one rec'd from Guelph so far.

With Love

(after thoughts)

We have no hired help so can get up when we like cook what we like Aunt Belle says it's the first time for a good many years she could thus enjoy herself, Frida came back for her things and asked if Aunt Belle would have her back in the Spring and because she was such a good cattle hand they decided to take her back. They will probably get a new man to help feed. We were talking about the place in California Aunt Belle owns so she was paying her taxes amounting to 2.00 (County tax) the improvements (roads & water) being included in the original price. She told them to send you the literature as I thought you might be interested. She also said you could build a double house on her lot and both have it for the winter. They have seen the place and think it all right. The literature they send will explain it to you. Study it well.
