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Date: January 2nd 1918

Somewhere in France
Jan 2nd, 1918

My Dear Father:

I am sorry I have not written you sooner, but I have been away from the hut since a couple of days after Christmas and as usual when up here I start light and do not write much. I spent yesterday hauling gravil with a dump wagon - some job for New Years day, then I went up to a "Church Army Canteen" here & had a field with a some of the boys there was an old preacher there giving away cigarettes so that was our New Years day.

We a swell time Christmas, never did a tab of work except stiching some more bags on our mules. The dinner was a dandy the best I have had for many a day and more than we could eat. We had Pork, mashed potatoes, carrots, brown gravey, apple-sauce, cake, and plum-pudding, and fruit and coffee there were also several kinds of little crurrent cakdes - some spread for France

The sergeants waited on us & the officers gave several speeches, some of which were lifted along a great deal by some of their "Johny Walker" - especially the Captian who was in the kind of state that he could not find the right place on his head for his cap, he was trying them all.

Our head cook a zany Scotchmans after the dinner was cooked & ready to eat got spiflicated on rum (issue rum which pretty means as thick as molasses). Well during the supper the boys wanted a speech from Lieu Meigh - a great favorite amongst the boys but he would not come forward so we detailed the cook to bring him up which he did in a good style, & held him while he made.

I received you gold souvering on xmas morning thanks ever so much for it, it helped out an awful lot. Well I must go & get a bath right away before stables so I will stop for the present.

With love for all
from Bill

P.S. Have received no parcels yet except the Red Cross which was lovely

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